Solstício de Verão

Fonte: Elvenar Wiki PT
Revisão em 18h00min de 24 de agosto de 2016 por Aspirina (discussão | contribs)
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Solstício de Verão

Forum logo summer16v2.png

Chegou o Solstício de Verão!

A Melissa e a Tandriel juntaram as suas forças mágicas para celebrar este magnífico evento! Através de várias missões episódicas, estas feiticeiras irão revelar uma parte dos segredos dos livros sagrados, os quais irão dar-te a conhecer um pouco mais sobre Elvenar e os seus anteriores habitantes. Mas tudo tem um preço e elas irão precisar que completes as missões para poderem continuar a celebração e receber todas as recompensas, antes do Solstício terminar!

O Tomus dos Segredos, Coro da Cidadela, Cartas de Enar, Manual de Artesanato e muitos outros livros secretos de magia irão mostrar-te a ti e às feiticeiras o caminho para receberem a glória da Lua e a força do Sol sagrado.

Fragmentos Lunares irão cair do céu, Reflexos Solares irão crescer e brilhar e as estrelas irão indicar-te o caminho!


Menu do Evento

Durante o Solstício de Verão irás receber duas novas linhas de missões, exclusivas para o evento. Mas é importante lembrar que estarão disponíveis apenas por um tempo limitado.

A primeira linha de missões corresponde à missão diária do evento que irá fornecer tarefas aleatórias. A segunda linha de missões corresponde à missão episódica do evento a qual irá dar-te uma tarefa específica, de acordo com o livro secreto invocado. Cada linha de missões terá Fragmentos Lunares como recompensa, os quais serão adicionado ao menu do Solstício de Verão.


Ao clicares no Menu do Evento irás aceder à janela do evento a qual fornece bastante informação e através da qual poderás gastar os teus Fragmentos Lunares:


1 - Aqui podes ver a quantidade de Fragmentos Lunares que recolheste e ainda não gastaste.

2 - Permite-te adquirir Fragmentos Lunares com a moeda premium de jogo.

3 - Indica o tempo que falta até o final do evento.

4 - Exibe o exclusivo diário que podes receber ao abrir as arcas e por quanto tempo ainda estará disponível, antes de desaparecer para sempre.

5 - Aqui podes ver quantos Reflexos Solares tens e quantos ainda são necessários para desbloquear os Grandes Prémios.

6 - Arcas do Tesouro onde podes gastar os teus Fragmentos Lunares e receber em troca Reflexos Solares em conjunto com uma recompensa aleatória.

Podes também clicar no botão Helpbtto.png para consultar a informação de ajuda do evento do Solstício de Verão a qualquer momento.

Fragmentos Lunares

Tab1 background.png

Começas o evento do Solstício de Verão com 50 Fragmentos Lunares MoonSplinter.png e cada missão do evento irá dar-te mais Fragmentos Lunares como recompensa por terminares as designadas tarefas.

Podes então usar os Fragmentos Lunares para abrir as valiosas Arcas do Tesouro as quais, dependendo da tua sorte, podem dar-te ainda mais Fragmentos Lunares.

Lembra-te que o Solstício apenas dura umas semanas e que quando o mesmo terminar deixarás de poder usar os teus Fragmentos Solares para receberes os excelentes tesouros que temos para ti, por isso não percas tempo!

Arcas do Tesouro

Tab2 background.png

As Arcas do Tesouro guardam valiosas recompensas! Podes ganhar pontos de conhecimento, peças de runa, fragmentos lunares e até a exclusiva recompensa diária. Tudo irá depender da tua sorte! Ao abrires as Arcas do Tesouro irás igualmente receber Reflexos Solares, mas lembra-te: quanto melhor a arca, mais Reflexos Solares irás receber.

Podes escolher entre a Arca de Bronze, a Arca de Prata ou a Arca de Ouro, cada uma contém recompensas idênticas, mas diferindo nas probabilidades de ganho. Um conselho: as Arcas Douradas GoldenChest&Button.png são as mais eficientes!

Reflexos Solares

Tab3 background.png

Quando abres uma Arca do Tesouro, irás ganhar Reflexos Solares SunFlare.png. Cada arca irá automaticamente dar-te um número específico de Reflexos Solares, contudo quanto melhor a arca, mais Reflexos Solares irás receber.

Os Reflexos Solares irão permitir-te desbloquear os Grandes Prémios! Tens três grandes prémios disponíveis, cada um exigindo um determinado número de Reflexos Solares. Para desbloqueares o grande prémio seguinte, terás primeiro de recolher o anterior.


Após recolheres os Grandes Prémios, irás encontrá-los no teu inventário Inventory icon normal.png, no separador edifícios.

Edifícios do Solstício de Verão

A cada dia poderá ser exibido um precioso e único edifício do evento como o exclusivo diário. Estes apenas podem ser obtidos através da abertura das Arcas do Tesouro e estão disponível somente por um curto espaço tempo. Uma vez acabado o seu prazo, não voltarão a estar disponíveis!

Certifica-te que completas o maior número de missões do evento para que possas ter a oportunidade de ganhar todos os exclusivos diários e transformar a tua cidade num verdadeiro tributo ao Solstício de Verão!


Visão Geral dos Edifícios do Solstício de Verão

Capítulo I

Capítulo I - Informação sobre os Edifícios do Solstício de Verão
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 135 - 135 Culture /8h
Sun Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 150 - 150 Culture /8h
Lava Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 165 - 165 Culture /8h
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 38 38 -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 75 - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 83 - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 23 23 -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 41 - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 45 - -
Bronze Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 71 - -
Silver Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 79 - -
Noble Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 41 - -
Heroic Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 47 - -
Dark Signpost 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 45 - -
Glossy Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 340 340 340 Culture /8h
Father Tree 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 410 - 410 Culture /8h
Observatory 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 180 - 180 Culture /8h
Capítulo I - Grand Prizes Information
Venar's Rocks I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 180 180 180 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 270 270 270 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 450 450 450 Culture /8h
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Capítulo II

Capítulo II - Summer Solstice Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 167 - 167 Culture /8h
Sun Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 186 - 186 Culture /8h
Lava Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 210 - 210 Culture /8h
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 47 47 -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 93 - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 102 - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 28 28 -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 50 - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 56 - -
Bronze Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 88 - -
Silver Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 98 - -
Noble Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 50 - -
Heroic Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 59 - -
Dark Signpost 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 56 - -
Glossy Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 420 420 420 Culture /8h
Father Tree 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 500 - 500 Culture /8h
Observatory 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 220 - 220 Culture /8h
Capítulo II - Grand Prizes Information
Venar's Rocks I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 220 220 220 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 340 340 340 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 560 560 560 Culture /8h
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Capítulo III

Capítulo III - Summer Solstice Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 220 - 220 Culture /8h
Sun Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 250 - 250 Culture /8h
Lava Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 270 - 270 Culture /8h
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 62 62 -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 123 - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 135 - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 37 37 -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 66 - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 74 - -
Bronze Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 117 - -
Silver Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 129 - -
Noble Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 66 - -
Heroic Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 77 - -
Dark Signpost 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 74 - -
Glossy Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 550 550 550 Culture /8h
Father Tree 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 660 - 660 Culture /8h
Observatory 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 300 - 300 Culture /8h
Capítulo III - Grand Prizes Information
Venar's Rocks I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 300 300 300 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 440 440 440 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 740 740 740 Culture /8h
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Capítulo IV

Capítulo IV - Summer Solstice Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 290 - 290 Culture /8h
Sun Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 320 - 320 Culture /8h
Lava Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 350 - 350 Culture /8h
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 80 80 -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 159 - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 175 - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 48 48 -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 86 - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 95 - -
Bronze Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 151 - -
Silver Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 167 - -
Noble Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 86 - -
Heroic Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 100 - -
Dark Signpost 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 95 - -
Glossy Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 720 720 720 Culture /8h
Father Tree 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 860 - 860 Culture /8h
Observatory 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 380 - 380 Culture /8h
Capítulo IV - Grand Prizes Information
Venar's Rocks I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 380 380 380 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 570 570 570 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 950 950 950 Culture /8h
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Capítulo V

Capítulo V - Summer Solstice Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 350 - 350 Culture /8h
Sun Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 380 - 380 Culture /8h
Lava Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 420 - 420 Culture /8h
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 96 96 -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 192 - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 210 - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 58 58 -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 104 - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 115 - -
Bronze Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 182 - -
Silver Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 200 - -
Noble Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 104 - -
Heroic Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 121 - -
Dark Signpost 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 115 - -
Glossy Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 860 860 860 Culture /8h
Father Tree 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 1040 - 1040 Culture /8h
Observatory 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 460 - 460 Culture /8h
Capítulo V - Grand Prizes Information
Venar's Rocks I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 460 460 460 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 690 690 690 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 1150 1150 1150 Culture /8h
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Capítulo VI

Capítulo VI - Summer Solstice Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 460 - 460 Culture /8h
Sun Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 510 - 510 Culture /8h
Lava Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 560 - 560 Culture /8h
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 128 128 -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 260 - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 280 - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 77 77 -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 138 - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 153 - -
Bronze Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 240 - -
Silver Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 270 - -
Noble Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 138 - -
Heroic Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 161 - -
Dark Signpost 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 153 - -
Glossy Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 1150 1150 1150 Culture /8h
Father Tree 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 1380 - 1380 Culture /8h
Observatory 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 610 - 610 Culture /8h
Capítulo VI - Grand Prizes Information
Venar's Rocks I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 610 610 610 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 920 920 920 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 1530 1530 1530 Culture /8h
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Capítulo VII

Capítulo VII - Summer Solstice Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 570 - 570 Culture /8h
Sun Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 640 - 640 Culture /8h
Lava Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 700 - 700 Culture /8h
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 159 159 -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 320 - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 350 - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 95 95 -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 172 - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 191 - -
Bronze Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 300 - -
Silver Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 330 - -
Noble Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 172 - -
Heroic Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 200 - -
Dark Signpost 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 191 - -
Glossy Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 1430 1430 1430 Culture /8h
Father Tree 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 1720 - 1720 Culture /8h
Observatory 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 760 - 760 Culture /8h
Capítulo VII - Grand Prizes Information
Venar's Rocks I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 760 760 760 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 1150 1150 1150 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 1910 1910 1910 Culture /8h
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Capítulo VIII

Capítulo VIII - Summer Solstice Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 700 - 700 Culture /8h
Sun Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 780 - 780 Culture /8h
Lava Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 860 - 860 Culture /8h
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 195 195 -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 390 - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 430 - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 117 117 -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 210 - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 230 - -
Bronze Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 370 - -
Silver Guards 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 410 - -
Noble Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 210 - -
Heroic Banner 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 250 - -
Dark Signpost 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 230 - -
Glossy Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 1760 1760 1760 Culture /8h
Father Tree 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 2100 - 2100 Culture /8h
Observatory 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 780 - 780 Culture /8h
Capítulo VIII - Grand Prizes Information
Venar's Rocks I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 940 940 940 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 1400 1400 1400 Culture /8h
Venar's Rocks III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 2300 2300 2300 Culture /8h
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