
Fonte: Elvenar Wiki PT
Revisão em 09h48min de 15 de fevereiro de 2016 por Aspirina (discussão | contribs)
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Os Feitiços são forjados na Academia de Magia e reúnem o poder das tuas relíquias não bonificadas, fornecendo alguns poderosos encantamentos para os teus edifícios. Ao lançares Feitiços irás, por um lado, elevar as tuas produções a um novo nível mágico e por outro criar um ambiente visualmente encantado na tua cidade.



Para poder lançar feitiços, primeiro tens de os criar! Para tal necessitas de pesquisar e construir a Academia de Magia. Irás encontrar este edifício no final do Capítulo I, na árvore das pesquisas.


Os Feitiços requerem o uso das relíquias não bonificadas pelo que para os criares terás de as ganhar ao completar os encontros no Mapa do Mundo.

Tipos de Feitiços

Icon Nome Descrição
Spell supply production boost 1.png Poder das Provisões This type of Spell allows you to use the ancient power of your Relics to boost Workshops. All of your precious Supplies will then be produced with magical efficiency.

It is available for you at the end of Chapter I, as soon as you build the Magic Academy, and it can be casted on Workshops.

Spell good production boost 1.png Magical Manufacturing This type of Spell extracts the magical power of your Relics to directly boost the production of a manufactory. By enchanting manufactories you can increase the existing Relic Boosts or enable non boosted manufactories to produce on a magical level.

It is available at the end of Chapter III, as soon as you unlock the Manufactory Spell technology, and it can be casted on Manufactories.

Processo de Criação de Feitiços

To start creating spells, open your Magic Academy in the Buildings' menu and click the "create" button on the Spell you want to produce. You are then shown the Spell creation progress which tells you how long the spell will take to be produced.

You can only create Spells if you have an available slot, otherwise you will have to wait until the first Spell is completed.You can always finish the Spell creation process instantly by paying Premium.


As soon as your Spell is ready, you can collect it from the Magic Academy by clicking on the icon Collect spells.png that shows over the building. The Spell is then added to your inventory so that you can cast it.


Hint:If by any chance you want to cancel a certain Spell creation progress you can click on the X icon and it will give you back the Relics you invested in the first place.

Biblioteca de Feitiços

The Spells Library is where you can choose which Spell you want to create. By placing your mouse over each one, you will be be able to see its effect, its duration and its availability (how many of that same type you have in your inventory).


You can also get more information about each Spell by clicking on the correspondent Info-icon.png icon.


Inventário dos Feitiços

The Inventory is the place where you can keep your produced Spells until you decide to use them.You can access it via the bottom menu by clicking on the correspondent icon Inventory icon normal.png

Whenever you collect the produced Spells from the Magic Academy, you will see a red marker indicator on the Inventory icon. By clicking it you will also see which new Spells were added to the inventory as they are marked with a "new" banner.

Inventory expl.png

Number Description
1 Amount of Spells of that type you have available and ready to be casted.
2 Information icon that allows you to see a detail information on the Spell.
3 Banner that shows you have recently added a new Spell of that type to your Inventory.
4 Button that will all Spells of that type.
5 Button that allows you to cast 1 Spell at a time.

Hint:If you delete your Spells, you will not get any refunds and will loose all the invested Relics.

Lançar Feitiços

By clicking the "Cast Spell" Button in the Inventory, you will instantly see the changes in your cursor Cursor spell.png, as well as the icon for the Spell showing above all the buildings it can be casted on. You will also see a tooltip saying: "click here to enchant this building".


When you enchant the building you will then see the magic powders shimmering around it, making your city look even more magical and beautiful!

  • There are several places where you can see the effect of Spells and the remaining time of their enchantment.

  • You can use several Spells to enchant the same building several times in order to increase its effect.
