
Fonte: Elvenar Wiki PT
Revisão em 17h49min de 14 de junho de 2015 por Aspirina (discussão | contribs)
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O Mercado é o local onde podes trocar mercadorias, seja com outros jogadores, seja com o Mercador. O que se pretende é que utilizes o Mercado para trocar as mercadorias que produzes em excesso, resultantes das tuas Fábricas com bonificação, por outras mercadorias que produzas em menos escala ou que não produzas de todo.


Para conseguires construir o Mercado, terás primeiro de desbloquear a sua tecnologia na árvore das pesquisas e naturalmente estar na posse dos recursos necessários. O Mercado precisa de uma ligação por estrada ao Edifício Municipal e pode ser movido. No entanto não pode ser vendido nem atualizado e só pode ser construído uma vez.

Aceitar Ofertas

Ao clicares no mercado irás visualizar 4 separadores. O primeiro é "Aceitar".


Aqui irás encontrar todas as ofertas dos outros jogadores que façam parte do teu grupo de parceiros de negócio.

To topo irás encontrar dois menus que te irão permitir filtrar as mercadorias oferecidas e/ou as mercadorias procuradas. Apenas podes aceitar uma oferta se tiveres disponível a totalidade das mercadorias procuradas e por essa razão as ofertas que podes aceitar são listadas em primeiro lugar.

Taxa do Mercado: Algumas ofertas são marcadas com o icon Trader fee.png, que representa a taxa do mercado. The Trader will take a 50 % additional fee for those offers because they are from players you have not discovered yet. You can discover a player by scouting a province next to his city. Offers from discovered players have no fee. Please notice: The Trader withholds the fee, so it won’t be received from the user who offered the trade.

Rating: The Trader rates an offer from 1 to 4 stars, 1 being very expensive, 4 being a bargain.

How is an offer rated?

Goods are grouped into three qualities: Basic Goods, Precious Goods and Rare Goods. The ratio between those categories is 1:4. For example: 1 Precious Good is worth 4 Basic Goods. The rating compares offer and demand to determine whether an offer is “very expensive” (1 star), “somewhat expensive” (2 stars), “fair” (3 stars, offer and demand have the same value) or “a bargain” (4 stars).

Colocar Ofertas

Here you can place an offer.


The Trader will only allow reasonable offers. If offers are outside of the acceptable range (too high or too low), they will be rejected. If you want to make an offer, just select the Goods you want to offer in the drop down menu and enter the amount on the right. Then select the Goods that you want to get in exchange and the system will automatically fill the field with the “fair” corresponding amount (so the offer will be shown with a 3-star-rating when viewed others). You can type in another amount if you still want to, but be aware that the system won’t allow you to make an unreasonable offer. If the system detects an unreasonable offer it will auto-correct the amounts to an acceptable range.

For example: You want to offer 50 Marbles and would like to get in exchange 500 Planks. The Trader will suggest to you, as an alternative, to ask for 200 Planks instead of 500. This offer will still be rated very badly of course, but it will fall within the acceptable range for trades.

As Tuas Ofertas

You will see the offers you placed here. If you wish, you can delete them and receive the offered Goods back.



This is the tab where you will find some Trader default offers. The offers listed here are not profitable but of course you might want to use the wholesaler, if you do not find any trading partner available or if you want to get rid of a certain overproduction of resources.


You will be able to trade here only your three boosted Goods, Coins and Supplies, for other Goods of the same category. The amount of Goods you will get in exchange of your boosted Goods will be 1: 5. For example, you will get 100 Steel in exchange for 500 Marble. Value-wise, you will pay even more Coins and Supplies for the same quantity of Steel. Every time you unlock a “Production Boost” in the Research Tree, your wholesaler will add the respective offers to his catalogue.


  • Your bonus Goods are Marble, Crystal and Gems;
  • When you unlock the Trader, you have already unlocked the Marble production boost;
  • When you build the Trader and open the wholesaler, you can exchange your Coins, Supplies or Marble for Steel or Planks, in three respective amounts (20, 100, 500);
  • When you unlock your next production boost, "Crystal", you can also exchange Coins, Supplies and Crystal for Scrolls and Silk;
  • When you unlock your last production boost, "Gems", you can additionally exchange Coins, Supplies and Gems for Elixir and Magic Dust;

Visão Geral do Mercado

Informações Sobre o Mercado Élfico
Edifício Requisitos Custos
Dimensão Tempo de Construção Moedas Provisões Cultura População
Mercado Élfico 3X4 30s 5.000 200 - 50

Informações Sobre o Mercado Humano
Edifício Requisitos Custos
Dimensão Tempo de Construção Moedas Provisões Cultura População
Mercado Humano 4X4 30s 5.000 200 - 50