Princípios Básicos

Fonte: Elvenar Wiki PT
Revisão em 12h00min de 12 de junho de 2015 por Aspirina (discussão | contribs)
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Assim que registares a tua conta e iniciares a sessão no mundo (servidor do jogo), terás que escolher qual a raça que queres representar: Elfos ou Humanos.


O jogo será bastante semelhante para ambas as raças, no entanto a tua escolha irá influenciar os seguintes características:

  1. A aparência da tua cidade irá depender da raça que escolheres. Os Elfos são criaturas mágicas que vivem em harmonia com a natureza. Os seus edifícios terão uma estrutura muito sofisticada, por vezes arbórea e extremamente brilhante. Os Humanos são muito ambiciosos e determinados, pelo que os seus edifícios terão um estilo mais medieval e industrializado.
  2. As unidades militares disponíveis para cada raça também serão distintas. Por exemplo, os Elfos irão depositar a sua confiança nos Treants e os Humanos nos Paladinos.

Quando tivermos um novo mundo (servidor de jogo), terás a oportunidade de também jogar com a outra raça.

Mapa da Cidade

No início irás começar com uma área limitada para construir a tua cidade. O Mapa da Cidade é uma área, subdividida em pequenos quadrados, que se assemelha a uma grelha na qual poderás colocar os teus primeiros edifícios e assim dar início ao desenvolvimento da tua cidade. A tua área inicial é de 15X10 quadrados.

City start human.jpg

Mas claramente o teu objetivo é expandir a cidade e o teu maior desafio será fazeres o melhor uso possível do espaço que tens à tua disposição. Para aumentares o espaço de construção da cidade deverás utilizar as chamadas Expansões. Tens três formas possíveis de aceder a estas: podes desbloqueá-las na árvore das pesquisas, ganhá-las ao resolver todos os encontros de uma província ou comprá-las através de diamantes (premium). Cada expansão para a cidade tem uma área de 25 quadrados (5X5)

No início do jogo irás encontrar dois edifícios já colocados no mapa da cidade: O Edifício Municipal e a Cabana dos Construtores.

  • The Main Hall is the center of your city and acts as your main storage. Most of the buildings need to be connected by streets to the Main Hall to make them functional.
  • In the Builders' Hut you will find your Workers. They will help you to construct and upgrade buildings and also to manage your current constructions.

Recursos Básicos

Top bar, showing available basic resources

There are two basic resources in Elvenar, which will help you to grow up your city:

  • Coins: Coins are produced automatically over time from Residences.
  • Supplies: To produce Supplies you need to place an order in the Workshop. Each type of production requires a different length of time.

Primeiros Passos

Mentor elves.png

At the beginning of the game you should be aware of three things:

First, you can’t have a town without inhabitants (population). When you start building up your town, you should build a couple of Residences first. They ensure you have available population and generate Coins income. Most buildings you will want to build require inhabitants who can work in those buildings, and the construction costs consist mostly of Coins, which your Residences will generate. It is recommended you build at least eight Residences at the beginning. They are cheap and constructed in no time. Just don’t forget to connect them to the Main Hall using streets.

Secondly, you need to produce Supplies as soon as you have your Residences built. They are a very valuable resource used to construct certain buildings, and later also to produce Goods and to train your battle units. Supplies can be produced in Workshops, so it is recommended you build at least three of these as soon as you have a few Residences. With enough Coins and Supplies, your core economy is already in place and running smoothly.

And third, you will need Cultural Buildings in your town. This will allow you to upgrade other buildings and keep your population producing at maximum efficiency. Your city space is limited and always will be. So, upgrading buildings to improve their properties is key to make the most out of the space you have available. To upgrade, you will need many Coins and Supplies as well as inhabitants and Culture. Therefore, In order to advance your town, always make sure you have an adequate Culture surplus.

If you have more available Culture than required for upgrades, your citizens will be happier and will produce more efficiently. To a certain extent, this will be the cheapest way to earn more Coins and Supplies. Just don’t overdo it! It doesn’t make sense to have a town full of Cultural Buildings but no Residences to live in.

Now that your city is flourishing, it is a good time to go onto the World Map where you can scout a few Provinces and start collecting Relics. Relics will become useful very soon. Every time you receive a Relic, you will also receive a “Knowledge Point”. Don’t forget to spend those points regularly in the Research Tree. This will unlock new buildings and other things that will help your city to progress.

And one last bit of advice for beginners: Listen to your advisors! If you complete quests regularly, you will be generously rewarded, and it will be easy for you to proceed and advance in the game.