
Fonte: Elvenar Wiki PT
Revisão em 18h24min de 7 de março de 2015 por Aspirina (discussão | contribs)
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Elf Sword.png Elf Archer.png Elf Ent.png Elf Golem.png Elf Mage.png
Human Axe.png Human crossbow.png Human hellhound.png Human paladin.png Human priest.png
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Elves archer.png
"Allow me to show you the Dance of Death."

Archer II

Archer II.png

Unit Overview

Unit Class Attack Bonus Defense Bonus Special Abilities Cost / Unit Basic Training Time small.png
Sword Dancer Short Ranged - - - 10 Supply small.png 2m
Sword Dancer II Short Ranged Long Ranged +20% - - 16 Supply small.png 3m