
Fonte: Elvenar Wiki PT
Revisão em 20h03min de 13 de março de 2015 por Aspirina (discussão | contribs)
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Collect Relics

Relics are very important as they will allow you to boost the production of your Bonus Goods. They will allow you to produce more Goods in less time.

To collect Relics you will need to go onto the World Map, scout Provinces and solve Encounters. Each Province has its own terrain which will allow you to identify the type of Relics that can be collected there.

---- Hint: You can find the Provinces Overview under the World Map ----

Once you scout a Province, you will be able to enter it and see the spots your Scouts have marked. There will be 8 marked spots in each Province, which means you can collect 8 Relics per Province.

Scouted Province.png

In different Provinces you will meet different merchants, some of those merchants will try to trade their Relics for your resources. You can however, offer them your help and fight some of the strange creatures that threaten the peace in Elvenar. If you win, the merchants will thank you by giving you the Relics for free.


It may happen that in a Province you will find a not so gentle merchant, in that case you can propose to fight him for it, instead of giving your resources away. In any case, you will always be able to choose either negotiate or fight those Encounters for the Relics you need.


Once you start collecting Relics, the visual information on the Province will update so that you know how many Encounters are missing to complete it. A locked Province means that you still haven't completed one of its bordering Provinces. Once you do, it will automatically be unlocked and you will then be able to scout it.


Bonus Goods

At the beginning you will randomly be assigned 3 Bonus Goods, one from each category, which are listed in your Main Hall.


You will also be able to see which your Bonus Goods are, by clicking on the Relic icon at the bottom of the World Map. There you can as well keep track on how many Relics you are missing, to achieve the next production boost upgrade.


The three Boosted Goods

Production Boost

Over the course of the game, you will gain the ability to increase your production of three out of the 9 Goods in the game (one per each category).

To activate a production boost, you need to unlock its technology in the Research Tree and collect the corresponding Relics on the World Map. The more corresponding Relics you collect, the more your boosts will be upgraded in the Main Hall.


Hint:: As you will have 3 Goods that will be boosted, it is recommended to concentrate your production on those Goods and trade them for the other 6 Goods.You can do so via the Trader.