Marcha dos Animais: diferenças entre revisões

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====March of the Herds====
====Marcha dos Rebanhos====

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While moving their herds from one side of Elvenar to the other, many different people and their respective animals will cross your city and take a small break before continuning their journey to the great green willows. During this year's Summer Event, you'll encounter mysterious animals like sheep which look like caterpillar, two-tailed shepard dogs, beasty buffalos and stubborn goats. Some Halflings would even ride chickens!
While moving their herds from one side of Elvenar to the other, many different people and their respective animals will cross your city and take a small break before continuning their journey to the great green willows. During this year's Summer Event, you'll encounter mysterious animals like sheep which look like caterpillar, two-tailed shepard dogs, beasty buffalos and stubborn goats. Some Halflings would even ride chickens!
====Event Menu====
====Menu do Evento====
During the March of the Herds event you will get two new and exclusive quest lines. But take notice they will only be available for a short time!
During the March of the Herds event you will get two new and exclusive quest lines. But take notice they will only be available for a short time!
The first quest line is the daily March of the Herds quest which will give you random tasks to complete. The second quest line is the episodic Event quest which will give you a specific task. Each quest line will give you Sugar Beets as a reward, that are added to the March of the Herd's menu.
The first quest line is the daily March of the Herds quest which will give you random tasks to complete. The second quest line is the episodic Event quest which will give you a specific task. Each quest line will give you Sugar Beets as a reward, that are added to the March of the Herd's menu.

Revisão das 16h12min de 18 de março de 2019

Marcha dos Rebanhos

Logo herds 17.png

It is time for the March of the Herds! While moving their herds from one side of Elvenar to the other, many different people and their respective animals will cross your city and take a small break before continuning their journey to the great green willows. During this year's Summer Event, you'll encounter mysterious animals like sheep which look like caterpillar, two-tailed shepard dogs, beasty buffalos and stubborn goats. Some Halflings would even ride chickens!


Menu do Evento

During the March of the Herds event you will get two new and exclusive quest lines. But take notice they will only be available for a short time! The first quest line is the daily March of the Herds quest which will give you random tasks to complete. The second quest line is the episodic Event quest which will give you a specific task. Each quest line will give you Sugar Beets as a reward, that are added to the March of the Herd's menu.


By clicking the Event Menu you will access the event window which will give you plenty of information and allow you to use your Sugar Beets:


1 - It shows you the amount of Sugar Beets you have collected and not yet spent.

2 - It allows you to buy Sugar Beets with premium currency.

3 - Indicates the remaining time for the event to end.

4 - Shows you the daily exclusive reward you can get from opening the chests and for how long it will be available before it is gone forever.

5 - Here you can see how much Rock Candy you have and how many you still need to unlock the Grand Prizes.

6 - Treasure Arcs where you can spend your Sugar Beets and get Rock Candy plus a random reward in return.

You can also click the Helpbtto.png button to see the help information on the March of the Herds Event at any time!

Beterrabas Doces

Beets background.png

Começas o evento com 50 Beterrabas Doces Sugar Beets.png e cada missão do evento irá dar-te mais Beterrabas Doces como recompensa por terminares as designadas tarefas. Para além disso, de tempos a tempos, poderás recolher algumas extra que cairão na tua cidade.


Podes então usar as Beterrabas para abrir as valiosas Arcas do Tesouro as quais, dependendo da tua sorte, podem dar-te ainda mais Beterrabas.

Lembra-te que a Marcha dos Rebanhos apenas dura umas semanas e que quando o mesmo terminar deixarás de poder usar as tuas Beterrabas Doces para receberes os excelentes tesouros que temos para ti, por isso não percas tempo!

Arcas do Tesouro

Herds2 background.png

As Arcas do Tesouro guardam valiosas recompensas! Podes ganhar pontos de conhecimento, peças de runa, fragmentos lunares e até a exclusiva recompensa diária. Tudo irá depender da tua sorte! Ao abrires as Arcas do Tesouro irás igualmente receber Doces, mas lembra-te: quanto melhor a arca, mais Doces irás receber.

Podes escolher entre a Arca de Bronze, a Arca de Prata ou a Arca de Ouro, cada uma contém recompensas idênticas, mas diferindo nas probabilidades de ganho. Um conselho: as Arcas Douradas GoldenChest&Button.png são as mais eficientes!



Herds3 background.png

Quando abres uma Arca do Tesouro, irás ganhar Doces RockCandy.png. Cada arca irá automaticamente dar-te um número específico de Doces, contudo quanto melhor a arca, mais Doces irás receber.


As Doces irão permitir-te desbloquear os Grandes Prémios! Tens três grandes prémios disponíveis, cada um exigindo um determinado número de Reflexos Solares. Para desbloqueares o grande prémio seguinte, terás primeiro de recolher o anterior.


Após recolheres os Grandes Prémios, irás encontrá-los no teu inventário Inventory icon normal.png, no separador edifícios.

Edifícios da Marcha dos Rebanhos

Em cada dia, haverá um único e precioso edifício do evento que podes ganhar como exclusivo diário, os quais só podem ser obtidos ao abrir os baús do evento, por tempo limitado.

Certifica-te de que completas o maior número possível de missões para que tenhas uma maior probabilidade de ganhar exclusivos diários e transformar a tua cidade num lar acolhedor para a Marcha dos Rebanhos!


Visão dos Edifícios da Marcha dos Rebanhos

Dica: Todos os edifícios que fornecem cultura e têm um tamanho 2X2 terão o seu bónus de cultura duplicado por 8 horas ao receberem Ajuda da Vizinhança.
Atenção: Todos os edifícios que fornecem Provisões, Mercadorias, Unidades ou Ogres precisam de estar conectados ao Edifício Municipal através de uma estrada.

Capítulo I

Capítulo I - Informações dos Edifícios da Marcha dos Rebanhos
Edifício Requisitos Benefícios
Tamanho Tempo de Construção Cultura População Mercadorias Provisões Unidades
Codex Sagrado 2x2 10s 135 - - - -
Sun Codex 2x2 10s 150 - - - -
Lava Codex 2x2 10s 165 - - - -
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s 38 38 - - -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s 75 - - - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s 83 - - - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s 23 23 - - -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s 41 - - - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s 45 - - - -
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s - - Tier 1 Goods 16/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s - - Tier 2 Goods 16/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s - - Tier 3 Goods 16/3h
- -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s 133 - - 700 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s 270 - - - Orc Strategist 6/12h
Blue Tree 3x3 10s 540 - - - -
Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s 500 - - - -
Spark Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s 520 - - - -
Chicken Glade 3x5 10s 410 210 - - -
Fruitful fields 3x3 10s 220 136 - - -
Goat Rocks 5x3 10s 830 - - - -
Mother dragon 3x4 10s 290 220 - - -
Rocky Enclosure 3x4 10s 690 - - - -
Enlightened Light Range 2x2 10s - - - - Short ranged.png +10%
Mage multiplier 2x2 10s - - - - Mage +10%
Unit Upgrade 2x2 10s - - - - Increase Troops Health +10%
Vallorian valor 3x3 10s 230 - - - Vallorian Valor 5/18h
Capítulo I - Informações dos Grandes Prémios
Herds Gathering 6x4 10s 1430 - - - -
Great Auction 5x5 10s 1650 - - - -
Cozy Farm 4x6 10s 870 440 - - -
Clica na imagem de cada edifício para o visualizares em tamanho maior.

Capítulo II

Capítulo II - Informações dos Edifícios da Marcha dos Rebanhos
Edifício Requisitos Benefícios
Tamanho Tempo de Construção Cultura População Mercadorias Provisões Unidades
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s 167 - - - -
Sun Codex 2x2 10s 186 - - - -
Lava Codex 2x2 10s 210 - - - -
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s 47 47 - - -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s 93 - - - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s 102 - - - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s 28 28 - - -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s 50 - - - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s 56 - - - -
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s - - Tier 1 Goods 23/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s - - Tier 2 Goods 23/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s - - Tier 3 Goods 23/3h
- -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s 154 - - 1230 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s 310 - - - Orc Strategist 10/12h
Blue Tree 3x3 10s 630 - - - -
Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s 570 - - - -
Spark Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s 600 - - - -
Chicken Glade 3x5 10s 480 240 - - -
Fruitful fields 3x3 10s 260 157 - - -
Goat Rocks 5x3 10s 950 - - - -
Mother dragon 3x4 10s 340 250 - - -
Rocky Enclosure 3x4 10s 800 - - - -
Enlightened Light Range 2x2 10s - - - - Short ranged.png +10%
Mage multiplier 2x2 10s - - - - Mage +10%
Unit Upgrade 2x2 10s - - - - Increase Troops Health +10%
Vallorian valor 3x3 10s 260 - - - Vallorian Valor 8/18h
Capítulo II - Informação dos Grandes Prémios
Herds Gathering 6x4 10s 1650 - - - -
Great Auction 5x5 10s 1910 - - - -
Cozy Farm 4x6 10s 1010 500 - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Capítulo III

Capítulo III - Informações dos Edifícios da Marcha dos Rebanhos
Edifício Requisitos Benefícios
Tamanho Tempo de Construção Cultura População Mercadorias Provisões Unidades
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s 220 - - - -
Sun Codex 2x2 10s 250 - - - -
Lava Codex 2x2 10s 270 - - - -
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s 62 62 - - -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s 123 - - - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s 135 - - - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s 37 37 - - -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s 66 - - - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s 74 - - - -
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s - - Tier 1 Goods 30/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s - - Tier 2 Goods 30/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s - - Tier 3 Goods 30/3h
- -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s 186 - - 1960 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s 370 - - - Orc Strategist 15/12h
Blue Tree 3x3 10s 760 - - - -
Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s 690 - - - -
Spark Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s 720 - - - -
Chicken Glade 3x5 10s 580 290 - - -
Fruitful fields 3x3 10s 310 190 - - -
Goat Rocks 5x3 10s 1150 - - - -
Mother dragon 3x4 10s 400 300 - - -
Rocky Enclosure 3x4 10s 970 - - - -
Enlightened Light Range 2x2 10s - - - - Short ranged.png +10%
Mage multiplier 2x2 10s - - - - Mage +10%
Unit Upgrade 2x2 10s - - - - Increase Troops Health +10%
Vallorian valor 3x3 10s 310 - - - Vallorian Valor 12/18h
Capítulo III - Informação dos Grandes Prémios
Herds Gathering 6x4 10s 1990 - - - -
Great Auction 5x5 10s 2300 - - - -
Cozy Farm 4x6 10s 1210 610 - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Capítulo IV

Capítulo IV - Informações dos Edifícios da Marcha dos Rebanhos
Edifício Requisitos Benefícios
Tamanho Tempo de Construção Cultura População Mercadorias Provisões Unidades
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s 290 - - - -
Sun Codex 2x2 10s 320 - - - -
Lava Codex 2x2 10s 350 - - - -
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s 80 80 - - -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s 159 - - - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s 175 - - - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s 48 48 - - -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s 86 - - - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s 95 - - - -
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s - - Tier 1 Goods 38/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s - - Tier 2 Goods 38/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s - - Tier 3 Goods 38/3h
- -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s 210 - - 2900 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s 430 - - - Orc Strategist 21/12h
Blue Tree 3x3 10s 880 - - - -
Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s 800 - - - -
Spark Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s 840 - - - -
Chicken Glade 3x5 10s 660 330 - - -
Fruitful fields 3x3 10s 360 220 - - -
Goat Rocks 5x3 10s 1330 - - - -
Mother dragon 3x4 10s 470 350 - - -
Rocky Enclosure 3x4 10s 1110 - - - -
Enlightened Light Range 2x2 10s - - - - Short ranged.png +10%
Mage multiplier 2x2 10s - - - - Mage +10%
Unit Upgrade 2x2 10s - - - - Increase Troops Health +10%
Vallorian valor 3x3 10s 360 - - - Vallorian Valor 17/18h
Capítulo IV - Informação dos Grandes Prémios
Herds Gathering 6x4 10s 2300 - - - -
Great Auction 5x5 10s 2700 - - - -
Cozy Farm 4x6 10s 1400 700 - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Capítulo V

Capítulo V - Informações dos Edifícios da Marcha dos Rebanhos
Edifício Requisitos Benefícios
Tamanho Tempo de Construção Cultura População Mercadorias Provisões Unidades
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s 350 - - - -
Sun Codex 2x2 10s 380 - - - -
Lava Codex 2x2 10s 420 - - - -
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s 96 96 - - -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s - - - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s 210 - - - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s 58 58 - - -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s 104 - - - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s 115 - - - -
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s - - Tier 1 Goods 51/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s - - Tier 2 Goods 51/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s - - Tier 3 Goods 51/3h
- -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s 240 - - 4100 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s 490 - - - Orc Strategist 28/12h
Blue Tree 3x3 10s 1000 - - - -
Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s 910 - - - -
Spark Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s 950 - - - -
Chicken Glade 3x5 10s 760 380 - - -
Fruitful fields 3x3 10s 410 250 - - -
Goat Rocks 5x3 10s 1510 - - - -
Mother dragon 3x4 10s 530 400 - - -
Rocky Enclosure 3x4 10s 1270 - - - -
Enlightened Light Range 2x2 10s - - - - Short ranged.png +10%
Mage multiplier 2x2 10s - - - - Mage +10%
Unit Upgrade 2x2 10s - - - - Increase Troops Health +10%
Vallorian valor 3x3 10s 410 - - - Vallorian Valor 24/18h
Capítulo V - Informação dos Grandes Prémios
Herds Gathering 6x4 10s 2600 - - - -
Great Auction 5x5 10s 3000 - - - -
Cozy Farm 4x6 10s 1600 800 - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter VI

Chapter VI - March of the Herds Buildings Information
Building Requirements Description Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Goods Supplies Units
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 460 - - - -
Sun Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 510 - - - -
Lava Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 560 - - - -
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 128 128 - - -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 260 - - - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 280 - - - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 77 77 - - -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 138 - - - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 153 - - - -
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 1 Goods 69/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 2 Goods 69/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 3 Goods 69/3h
- -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Produces Supplies every 24 hours. 300 - - 5400 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 600 - - - Orc Strategist 41/12h
Blue Tree 3x3 10s A magical Blue Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 1230 - - - -
Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s A magical Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 1110 - - - -
Spark Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s A magical Sparkling Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 1170 - - - -
Chicken Glade 3x5 10s Saddled chicken and hitched goats: Are there any Halflings on the ride, by any chance? 930 460 - - -
Fruitful fields 3x3 10s A fruitful field, full of delicious food for the sheep of the Fairy flock. 500 310 - - -
Goat Rocks 5x3 10s Goats do not only pull halflings' wagons but are very popular with dwarves as well. Sometimes they can be very stubborn, though. 1860 - - - -
Mother dragon 3x4 10s Can you see the loving dragon mother, sleeping nest to her babies? Don't come close though, you could burn yourself 650 490 - - -
Rocky Enclosure 3x4 10s A stony enclosure for the Orcs' herd of buffalo-beasts. 1560 - - - -
Enlightened Light Range 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Attack value for all your Light Ranged Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Short ranged.png +10%
Mage multiplier 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Attack value on all your Mage Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Mage +10%
Unit Upgrade 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Health Point value for all your Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Increase Troops Health +10%
Vallorian valor 3x3 10s A forge which produces Vallorian Guards every X hours. 510 - - - Vallorian Valor 35/18h
Chapter VI - Grand Prizes Information
Herds Gathering 6x4 10s All animals come together when the two-tailed shepherd dog gathers his herd. Where does the journey lead to? 3200 - - - -
Great Auction 5x5 10s People from all of Elvenar come together to bid on the most well-shaped animals from all folks' herds. 3700 - - - -
Cozy Farm 4x6 10s Home of the most beautiful buffalos, plushy sheep and plenty of pigs. The Fairy Farmer always has an eye on all of them. 1960 980 - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter VII

Chapter VII - March of the Herds Buildings Information
Building Requirements Description Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Goods Supplies Units
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 570 - - - -
Sun Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 640 - - - -
Lava Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 700 - - - -
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 159 159 - - -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 320 - - - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 350 - - - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 95 95 - - -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 172 - - - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 191 - - - -
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 1 Goods 97/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 2 Goods 97/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 3 Goods 97/3h
- -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Produces Supplies every 24 hours. 380 - - 6900 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 770 - - - Orc Strategist 62/12h
Blue Tree 3x3 10s A magical Blue Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 1570 - - - -
Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s A magical Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 1430 - - - -
Spark Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s A magical Sparkling Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 1500 - - - -
Chicken Glade 3x5 10s Saddled chicken and hitched goats: Are there any Halflings on the ride, by any chance? 1190 590 - - -
Fruitful fields 3x3 10s A fruitful field, full of delicious food for the sheep of the Fairy flock. 640 390 - - -
Goat Rocks 5x3 10s Goats do not only pull halflings' wagons but are very popular with dwarves as well. Sometimes they can be very stubborn, though. 2400 - - - -
Mother dragon 3x4 10s Can you see the loving dragon mother, sleeping nest to her babies? Don't come close though, you could burn yourself 840 630 - - -
Rocky Enclosure 3x4 10s A stony enclosure for the Orcs' herd of buffalo-beasts. 2000 - - - -
Enlightened Light Range 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Attack value for all your Light Ranged Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Short ranged.png +10%
Mage multiplier 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Attack value on all your Mage Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Mage +10%
Unit Upgrade 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Health Point value for all your Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Increase Troops Health +10%
Vallorian valor 3x3 10s A forge which produces Vallorian Guards every X hours. 650 - - - Vallorian Valor 52/18h
Chapter VII - Grand Prizes Information
Herds Gathering 6x4 10s All animals come together when the two-tailed shepherd dog gathers his herd. Where does the journey lead to? 4100 - - - -
Great Auction 5x5 10s People from all of Elvenar come together to bid on the most well-shaped animals from all folks' herds. 4800 - - - -
Cozy Farm 4x6 10s Home of the most beautiful buffalos, plushy sheep and plenty of pigs. The Fairy Farmer always has an eye on all of them. 2500 1250 - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter VIII

Chapter VIII - March of the Herds Buildings Information
Building Requirements Description Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Goods Orcs Units
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 700 - - - -
Sun Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 780 - - - -
Lava Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 860 - - - -
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 195 195 - - -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 390 - - - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 430 - - - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 117 117 - - -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 210 - - - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 230 - - - -
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 1 Goods 123/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 2 Goods 123/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 3 Goods 123/3h
- -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Produces Supplies every 24 hours. 460 - - 181 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 920 - - - Orc Strategist 87/12h
Blue Tree 3x3 10s A magical Blue Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 1890 - - - -
Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s A magical Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 1720 - - - -
Spark Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s A magical Sparkling Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 1800 - - - -
Chicken Glade 3x5 10s Saddled chicken and hitched goats: Are there any Halflings on the ride, by any chance? 1430 720 - - -
Fruitful fields 3x3 10s A fruitful field, full of delicious food for the sheep of the Fairy flock. 770 470 - - -
Goat Rocks 5x3 10s Goats do not only pull halflings' wagons but are very popular with dwarves as well. Sometimes they can be very stubborn, though. 2900 - - - -
Mother dragon 3x4 10s Can you see the loving dragon mother, sleeping nest to her babies? Don't come close though, you could burn yourself 1010 760 - - -
Rocky Enclosure 3x4 10s A stony enclosure for the Orcs' herd of buffalo-beasts. 2400 - - - -
Enlightened Light Range 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Attack value for all your Light Ranged Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Short ranged.png +10%
Mage multiplier 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Attack value on all your Mage Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Mage +10%
Unit Upgrade 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Health Point value for all your Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Increase Troops Health +10%
Vallorian valor 3x3 10s A forge which produces Vallorian Guards every X hours. 780 - - - Vallorian Valor 74/18h
Chapter VIII - Grand Prizes Information
Herds Gathering 6x4 10s All animals come together when the two-tailed shepherd dog gathers his herd. Where does the journey lead to? 4900 - - - -
Great Auction 5x5 10s People from all of Elvenar come together to bid on the most well-shaped animals from all folks' herds. 5700 - - - -
Cozy Farm 4x6 10s Home of the most beautiful buffalos, plushy sheep and plenty of pigs. The Fairy Farmer always has an eye on all of them. 3000 1510 - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter IX

Chapter IX - March of the Herds Buildings Information
Building Requirements Description Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Goods Orcs Units
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 1370 - - - -
Sun Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 1440 - - - -
Lava Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 1520 - - - -
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 240 240 - - -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 720 - - - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 760 - - - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 132 132 - - -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 360 - - - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 380 - - - -
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 1 Goods 151/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 2 Goods 151/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 3 Goods 151/3h
- -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Produces Supplies every 24 hours. 880 - - 210 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 1750 - - - Orc Strategist 117/12h
Blue Tree 3x3 10s A magical Blue Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 3600 - - - -
Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s A magical Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 3200 - - - -
Spark Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s A magical Sparkling Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 3400 - - - -
Chicken Glade 3x5 10s Saddled chicken and hitched goats: Are there any Halflings on the ride, by any chance? 2700 1350 - - -
Fruitful fields 3x3 10s A fruitful field, full of delicious food for the sheep of the Fairy flock. 1460 890 - - -
Goat Rocks 5x3 10s Goats do not only pull halflings' wagons but are very popular with dwarves as well. Sometimes they can be very stubborn, though. 5400 - - - -
Mother dragon 3x4 10s Can you see the loving dragon mother, sleeping nest to her babies? Don't come close though, you could burn yourself 1910 1430 - - -
Rocky Enclosure 3x4 10s A stony enclosure for the Orcs' herd of buffalo-beasts. 4500 - - - -
Enlightened Light Range 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Attack value for all your Light Ranged Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Short ranged.png +10%
Mage multiplier 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Attack value on all your Mage Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Mage +10%
Unit Upgrade 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Health Point value for all your Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Increase Troops Health +10%
Vallorian valor 3x3 10s A forge which produces Vallorian Guards every X hours. 1480 - - - Vallorian Valor 99/18h
Chapter IX - Grand Prizes Information
Herds Gathering 6x4 10s All animals come together when the two-tailed shepherd dog gathers his herd. Where does the journey lead to? 9400 - - - -
Great Auction 5x5 10s People from all of Elvenar come together to bid on the most well-shaped animals from all folks' herds. 10800 - - - -
Cozy Farm 4x6 10s Home of the most beautiful buffalos, plushy sheep and plenty of pigs. The Fairy Farmer always has an eye on all of them. 5700 2900 - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter X

Chapter X - March of the Herds Buildings Information
Building Requirements Description Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Goods Orcs Units
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 1670 - - - -
Sun Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 1760 - - - -
Lava Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 1850 - - - -
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 290 290 - - -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 880 - - - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 920 - - - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 161 161 - - -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 440 - - - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 460 - - - -
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 1 Goods 196/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 2 Goods 196/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 3 Goods 196/3h
- -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Produces Supplies every 24 hours. 1070 - - 240 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 2100 - - - Orc Strategist 152/12h
Blue Tree 3x3 10s A magical Blue Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 4400 - - - -
Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s A magical Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 4000 - - - -
Spark Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s A magical Sparkling Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 4200 - - - -
Chicken Glade 3x5 10s Saddled chicken and hitched goats: Are there any Halflings on the ride, by any chance? 3300 1650 - - -
Fruitful fields 3x3 10s A fruitful field, full of delicious food for the sheep of the Fairy flock. 1780 1090 - - -
Goat Rocks 5x3 10s Goats do not only pull halflings' wagons but are very popular with dwarves as well. Sometimes they can be very stubborn, though. 6600 - - - -
Mother dragon 3x4 10s Can you see the loving dragon mother, sleeping nest to her babies? Don't come close though, you could burn yourself 2300 1740 - - -
Rocky Enclosure 3x4 10s A stony enclosure for the Orcs' herd of buffalo-beasts. 5500 - - - -
Enlightened Light Range 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Attack value for all your Light Ranged Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Short ranged.png +10%
Mage multiplier 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Attack value on all your Mage Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Mage +10%
Unit Upgrade 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Health Point value for all your Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Increase Troops Health +10%
Vallorian valor 3x3 10s A forge which produces Vallorian Guards every X hours. 1800 - - - Vallorian Valor 128/18h
Chapter X - Grand Prizes Information
Herds Gathering 6x4 10s All animals come together when the two-tailed shepherd dog gathers his herd. Where does the journey lead to? 11400 - - - -
Great Auction 5x5 10s People from all of Elvenar come together to bid on the most well-shaped animals from all folks' herds. 13200 - - - -
Cozy Farm 4x6 10s Home of the most beautiful buffalos, plushy sheep and plenty of pigs. The Fairy Farmer always has an eye on all of them. 7000 3500 - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter XI

Chapter XI - March of the Herds Buildings Information
Building Requirements Description Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Goods Orcs Units
Leaf Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 2000 - - - -
Sun Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 2200 - - - -
Lava Codex 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 2300 - - - -
Rainbow Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 360 360 - - -
Silver Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 1080 - - - -
Crystal Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 1130 - - - -
Rainbow Flower Cage 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 198 198 - - -
Spring Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 540 - - - -
Summer Flower Cage 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 570 - - - -
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 1 Goods 230/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 2 Goods 230/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - Tier 3 Goods 230/3h
- -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Produces Supplies every 24 hours. 1310 - - 280 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 2600 - - - Orc Strategist 192/12h
Blue Tree 3x3 10s A magical Blue Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 5300 - - - -
Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s A magical Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 4800 - - - -
Spark Tree Enclosure 3x3 10s A magical Sparkling Tree which serves as an enclosure for all kinds of animals. 5100 - - - -
Chicken Glade 3x5 10s Saddled chicken and hitched goats: Are there any Halflings on the ride, by any chance? 4000 2000 - - -
Fruitful fields 3x3 10s A fruitful field, full of delicious food for the sheep of the Fairy flock. 2200 1330 - - -
Goat Rocks 5x3 10s Goats do not only pull halflings' wagons but are very popular with dwarves as well. Sometimes they can be very stubborn, though. 8100 - - - -
Mother dragon 3x4 10s Can you see the loving dragon mother, sleeping nest to her babies? Don't come close though, you could burn yourself 2800 2100 - - -
Rocky Enclosure 3x4 10s A stony enclosure for the Orcs' herd of buffalo-beasts. 6800 - - - -
Enlightened Light Range 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Attack value for all your Light Ranged Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Short ranged.png +10%
Mage multiplier 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Attack value on all your Mage Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Mage +10%
Unit Upgrade 2x2 10s Grants 10% more Health Point value for all your Units. Bonus can be stacked. Expires after a certain time. - - - - Increase Troops Health +10%
Vallorian valor 3x3 10s A forge which produces Vallorian Guards every X hours. 2200 - - - Vallorian Valor 162/18h
Chapter XI - Grand Prizes Information
Herds Gathering 6x4 10s All animals come together when the two-tailed shepherd dog gathers his herd. Where does the journey lead to? 14000 - - - -
Great Auction 5x5 10s People from all of Elvenar come together to bid on the most well-shaped animals from all folks' herds. 16200 - - - -
Cozy Farm 4x6 10s Home of the most beautiful buffalos, plushy sheep and plenty of pigs. The Fairy Farmer always has an eye on all of them. 8500 4300 - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.